Drug Rehab
According to national surveys, the biggest substance abuse problems in Tennessee are caused by prescription drugs, with an emphasis on painkillers. In fact, Tennessee had that highest rate of non-medical use of prescription painkillers by people aged 26 and older, and prescription opiates were the drugs most mentioned as the primary source for rehab admissions in the state.
Additional drugs identified for treatment admissions include marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine and heroin. However, even with the above information, Tennessee is still right about average in terms of its overall drug use among people aged 12 and older.
Due to the overwhelming prescription drug problem, which includes sedatives and tranquilizers in addition to painkillers, there has never been a greater need in Tennessee for medical detox facilities. These are programs that use medication-assisted withdrawal techniques to step down from other drugs in a more stably-controlled environment that is run by doctors and nurses.
Often times the detox facility will be separate from the drug rehab program, and patients must be transferred from one to the other, but some rehab centers provide both in the same location. Being separate or together isn’t necessarily better one way or the other, as it is more of a question of what facilities and services are going to be fit best with your overall needs.
If you have questions or would like assistance locating a drug rehab center for someone in Tennessee, contact us today.